“I have met few people who can offer valuable business counsel from a numbers and data perspective while in the same breath providing insight into the human experience underlying the situation. Liz is among those precious few in my life and has become one of my most trusted business confidants. I know that Liz will catch the interpersonal nuances of a situation while offering useful and cogent reflection on the nuts and bolts of the business ramifications.
The trust that I feel with Liz points to another of her traits that cannot be overvalued in the business world - Integrity. Liz’s integrity is built on self-awareness and empathy, two fundamental building blocks of emotional intelligence. I can trust that Liz knows herself and will offer her thoughts, not what she thinks I want to hear. When I run something by Liz, the response is rooted in data, academic understanding, and experience and is balanced by a deep understanding of the human experience.”
Words of Praise
“Liz is a smart, insightful and engaging writer, coach, and speaker who is able to translate complex concepts, like emotional intelligence, into practical information and tips anyone can use. I have worked with Liz as a contributing author for Daniel Goleman EI Coaching and Training Programs and her work is intelligent, witty, and creative.”
— Ann Flanagan Petry
“When I cam to Liz for messaging help, it was super important to me that my voice not get lost. I've worked with other copywriters where they do a good job but then they change it into their voice. Liz's superpower is in writing in a way that amplifies the voice the brand, not changing it. She helped me amplify my voice through her writing, often co-writing with me.”
— solopreneur
“Liz is an intuitive coach who leverages her skills as a storyteller and storylistener to support her clients in making critical connections hidden to the naked eye and conscious mind. Through nuanced questioning that provokes and warmth tinged with humor, she has the capacity to draw out the information and wisdom the client inherently contains but may not yet be able to articulate or sense-make on their own.”
— Belinda Chiu
“Liz is really thoughtful about her work as a coach and careful to not just look at other people from her own perspective, but to really bring in more radical political perspective that takes class, race and privilege into account.”
— coaching client
“Liz’s approach is great for people who want to be pushed outside of their comfort zone.”
“Liz is a deep listener, so she's really good at hearing what you're saying and what you might not have the words to say yet — and then helping you bring words and form to some of your inner workings.”
— coaching client
“Liz knows how to focus on the connection and the relationship to draw out the best. I found that to be really great. And she's funny. She's delightful and funny.”
— coaching client
“She just asked such thought provoking questions. She was really comfortable with just sitting in silence and letting me get to where I needed to be.”
— coaching client
“I immediately felt safe with Liz - an overwhelming sense of vulnerability coupled with this immense sense of safety. On our first coaching call, I think I was in tears within the first seven minutes. I had this outpouring of stuff and I felt completely safe with her …completely safe with her.”
— coaching client
I came to Elizabeth because I was struggling as a leader in academia - I was feeling unsatisfied, anxious, and inferior. I had recently started to work in a new city and in a new university with very high standards. From the start, I had some negative experiences and it had affected me significantly. I have always been a high achieving woman, but still, this experience had me struggling with my confidence. I was also questioning my abilities to become friends with people. I wanted to feel self-sufficient and I wanted to improve my interpersonal skills.
What I like best about Liz is that she is easy to talk to. As she verbalized what she was hearing or asked questions of me, it was as if my eyes were opening for the first time and I could see the whole scenario in an objective manner. In our discussions, I realized where I had room to grow and I also learned about my strengths The way Liz never tells you things, but guides you yourself to realize them, is unique.
As a result of working with Liz, I now feel more confident and can see my personal and emotional strengths. I no longer believe that I am incapable or insufficient. Instead, I have learned to own my achievements. I was not expecting to gain so much perspective - it was beyond my expectations going into this work. The coaching Liz provided helped me have a more positive outlook in the workplace and a more neutral attitude towards others. I also feel that I got tools to shatter the glass ceiling I was under.
I highly recommend Liz's coaching because it is personalized and she easily comprehends the emotional needs behind your words. May she help you achieve the exact change that you need in your life as she did in mine.
— S. Vural
When I started working with Liz, my goals were to better define my role at work and on the team I am a part of. Being a principal educator for young physicians in training on a team of senior medical specialists, I wanted to better solidify my boundaries and be clearer in my communication with both groups.
By asking questions in a very gentle way -- without judgment -- Liz was able to delve into my patterns of behavior. She taught me how to better connect to my feelings and communicate in a more direct way.
Also, Liz herself is a very clear communicator. At the start of each session, she would inquire what questions or issues I wanted to talk about and was always open to the topic being either more personal or more professional. At the end of each session, she would summarize what we discussed and I always left with a feeling of gained insight and satisfaction at having taken another step on my personal path of development.
This coaching was a unique experience. Even online, Liz was able to create a personal atmosphere where tears could roll without embarrassment.
I now feel more balanced and know myself better.
— C. Van Montfrans
I came to Elizabeth because I wanted her to coach me through an emotional intelligence course. I used to think that I was quite good at EI until I started the work, at which point I realized I actually needed help. I realized it was difficult to see some of the things that weren't going well. My life is busy. I didn’t ever stop, meditate or even think. I Never had time.
When I contacted Elizabeth Solomon I didn't expect too much. I used to think that a person cannot change. But as soon as we started our coaching, I realized that I had a hard work to do on myself. Ultimately, her coaching helped me a lot -- it became a foundation from which to change my life.
What I like best about Liz and the work she does is that she is a very good listener and through listening, helped me understand myself. She always finds the correct question to get to the essence of your troubles. She didn’t try to solve my problems, but instead she helped me to try to solve them by myself and develop new ways to solve them without her help in the future.
As a result of working with Liz I now know myself better. I also no longer believe that a person will be always like they are and that there is no way of changing. I will never again say that I am like I am. (Implying that the people around me have to understand me and accept me how I was born!) I now believe that I can be a better person and that every single one of us should do this kind of coaching.
After 37 years of life I wasn’t expecting someone was going to be able to get inside me, help me, or even show me how important meditation is.
I only have good things to say about Liz and her work. Since our coaching my marriage is going better, my life has more order, I am changing some bad habits, and I feel a new sense of peace.
My experience of being coached by Liz was amazing. I would recommend her to anyone. She has helped me a lot -- she was my confidant; the person who showed me new tools to put my ideas in order; she re-oriented me around the importance to what really matters; and her coaching was the perfect complement for the EI training I wanted to do.
— P. Boregon
I came to Liz because I wanted to be a better leader, to understand my colleagues better and to be better at motivating them. I also needed to understand myself better, my triggers and how to avoid reacting.
From the moment I contacted Liz, I immediately got so much more than I expected. She helped me begin to understand what was lying beneath -- things I did not manage to see even though I have attended a lot of psychology courses and have even done therapy over the years. She dotted the i’s. The greatest thing about having her as a coach is that she helped me move on and learn to enjoy life here and now.
Coaching sessions with Liz are amazing. Quite often I feel that I talk too much and do not make my point, but she seemed to pick up everything and help me exactly with what I needed -- not just what I wanted.
As a result of working with her I now understand people better and am able to motivate my colleagues in the ways that suit them. Everyone seems to be more satisfied at work as I myself have learned to see things that I did not notice.
I also no longer believe that I am not good enough. I am more connected to a sense of self-worth and have much less anxiety. She also helped me see that taking care of myself is important.
I didn’t expect to walk away with so many new practices -- not just theories of emotional intelligence, but actual practices!
I now know my triggers and accept and appreciate that we are all different. I communicate better, prioritize myself more, and my mind is clearer and more present. I also learned that you find pleasure in many things and that everything is easier when you are operating from a place of what you want, not what you have to do. This insight helps me immensely in my every day.
I could never imagine a better coach than Liz. She is like a clever friend with whom you can be totally open. She provides everything you need and even things you didn't know that you needed!
I came away more connected and able to enjoy the moments of life.